Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reasons I Rage.

This was going to be a post about getting back into PvP but I've been raging a lot lately and thought I'd share with you a few of the reasons why I rage.

The biggest reason is that I'm out of cookies. As I have said before cookies make everything better and prevent me from flying off the handle every five minutes. But cookies are merely a preventative measure and not the reason I rage.

The main reason I rage is other people. Play an MMO for any great length of time an you will start to see the truth in the saying "Hell is other people.".

Why do other people make me rage?

Hmmm ... let me ramble on for a bit an then maybe you will understand.

Dorfageddon is a miner and I'm a courteous miner. What does this mean? It means that If I see another person next to a mine I will NOT try and swoop down to ninja it from them (and not just because a slow flying mount is not suited for swooping or anything other than plodding along). Or if I see someone fighting a mob next to a mine I will not start mining it despite them being practically on top of it. In fact if I see someone even in the general vicinity of the mine I have my eye on I will wait for them to kill whatever they are attacking and see if they wanted to mine the node. If not then I giggle gleefully as more of that saronite gold pours into my bags. If so then I just shrug and move off in search of the next unwanted node.

However the amount of times I have been fighting a mob not just next to, but right on top of a mine and had someone steal it from me is unbelievable. And it's not like transferring to a pvp server will fix this since 99% of the time it's a player from my own faction. This makes me rage.

Now this is completely unreasonable but whenever I see someone else mining a titanium node I rage. It should have been mine, it was mine, they were just too stupid to realise it and mined it before I got there. Everyone should know to do a /who search of their zone to check if I'm in it before mining a titanium node. They should but they don't. This makes me rage.

People mention gear score on the trade or general channels. This makes me rage.

Today I was running heroic Forge of Souls for the 8th time to try and get the arp trinket (it failed to drop again) and we got a hunter who asked at the start if anyone else would be rolling on the trinket if it dropped. I told him I definitely would be. He said he would then leave. I was actually very rude to him then, probably more than was warranted but you can blame that on the lack of cookies. To you making sure that you are the only person in the group who needs the trinket my seem a sensible precaution. To me this person was displaying a very unattractive form of greed which has ruined my gaming experience more than once. I'm more than willing to roll against people for loot that I want. Hell in cases like this I'm even happy to roll against tanks who want it. But to cause 4 other people to wait for a new member (even if it's not long when looking for a dps) just so that you can have a slightly higher chance of getting your loot is to me selfish as hell. Oh and you know what? You can run this instance every day, so it's not like your never going to get it. On more than one occasion over the past 3+ years we have had someone leave our guild over loot. Things like this are just plain stupid, selfish, greedy and one of the worst aspects I've come across in this game. This makes me rage.

Well ther eare more reasons I rage but I think I've bombarded you with enough of them for one day. There will however probably be a "Reasons I Rage part 2". It's unfortunate but I'm an angry angry man without cookies.

Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.

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