Bladestorm was just two levels away and there was no way in hell that he was going to let me do some silly typing while it was so close and not his. So I ground out the last two levels and bam, juat as I'm putting in the talent point I'm hit with probably the most stupid question I've ever been asked.

Anyway I was going to log off and make a post at this point, but the little voice in my head started up.
Voice: "Your really going to log off?"
Me: "Yes I promised to post today."
Voice: "Are you sure? You've gone through 60 levels without it, aren't you even going to test it out? Just to make sure that it's as increadable as you remembered."
Me: "... well ... I'll just test it out, it would be a shame to just leave it sitting there after all."
[Commence 30 minutes of Bladestorming fun]
At this point Bompi my on and off levelling partner pipes up suggesting that we go do Hellfire Ramparts now that we are both at the right level. I was going to say no but once again that little voice in my head put it's 2 cents in and I ended up saying yes.
We have to hang around for about 30 minutes waiting for a tank. I of course spend this time constructively by randomly Bladestorming anything that gets in my way, and a few things I needed to go out of my way for.
Because I could.
Finally a tank shows up and we hit the instance ready and willing to kick some arse. Two pull in (I thought I was showing quite some restraint waiting even that long) I pop Bladestorm and pull aggro.
What's wrong with that?
Isn't Bladestorm a valid alternative to an AoE taunt?
Well yes popping Bladestorm and pulling aggro are often synonymous, to the point where it should have the flavour text Bladestorm: Killing warriors since 3.0 . This would all have been just fine if the mob had then not disarmed me.
Yes that's right. My very first instance Bladestorm. Not even two whirls of death into the fun I get disarmed. This also would have been alright if blizzard had simply left it at the point where you end up spinning around smacking things with your fists ... In fact that would have been so incredibly awesome it's not funny. But no, this alas is not the case. When you get disarmed Bladestorm just stops and you end up sitting there looking stupid while punching things.
This meant that there was rage ...
Lots of rage ...
And swearing ...
Many naughty words were said and meant.
In the time it took for us to get to the last boss my rage had managed to cool itself ... just. On this last boss there is a polearm that drops, and it is Awesome. I wanted this Awesome, Stuntyone had this Awesome when he first levelled and loved it.
Awesome drops. Cue gleeful, joyous squealing. Click need. Watch as the prot paladin with Bind to Account Items says "gonna need for my dps". Watch the Paladin click need. Watch as the paladin wins the Awesome.

Yes that's right, this meant that once again there was rage....
Lots of Rage ...
And swearing ...
Many naughty words were said and meant.
This of course meant that I could not possibly log off and go write a post. Not with the Awesome snatched from my grasp. Back into LFG we go. Back into ramparts. This time we get a DK tank who seems determined to kill everyone by pulling constantly while Bompi (the healer) is on low or zero mana. But we persevere and get to the final boss and what do you know Awesome drops again. Both Bompi and I need on it to help guarantee I get it this time. Bompi wins the roll and trades it to me. YAY, I haz Awesome.
Why do I call it Awesome?
Let me show you.

Its because it looks Awesome has Awesome stats for it's level and when you Bladestorm. You guessed it, super Awesome.
P.S. You see that blank Tabard? Yes the grey one. Our guilds GM got hacked while I was away and the guild got disbanded and nobody has bothered to redesign the tabard. I have made my views clear on this and how I want a muffin on my tabard. I have been promised a muffin on my tabard. So where's my freaking muffin. I want my muffin and I want it now!
Anywho that's enough rambling from me for now, so until next time.
Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.
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