Friday, May 7, 2010


Dorfageddon is Level 73 and my non stop levelling frenzy has finally run it's course. Maybe it's the fact that I've spent so many days at it. Maybe it's the fact the even though I'm so close, the grind of these final levels makes the goal so far away. Maybe it's the fact I've entered the Grizzly Hill's where I hate almost every quest in there. Whatever the reason I just don't want to log on, I probably will log on though, through force of habit if nothing else.

Back to my hate of the Grizzly Hill's. Don't get me wrong on this, I think that it's a beautifully designed zone, I just hate questing there. This is possibly because the quests are so disjointed, making you travel hither and thither to get just a couple of quests completed. I've always enjoyed grabbing a bunch of quests then butchering my way around the map, where as this place sends you of to one place to kill a few then off to another to kill a few more then back the the quest giver before you can kill anything else. I hates it, I hates it a lot.

There is, however, one saving grace to this otherwise horrific zone. The toilet. For the first time ever your character gets to go potty.

There is at least one person on the development team who has a fascination with bodily functions. His quests have had me looking through no less than three different types of animal crap. This quest must be his masterpiece. The first time I ever did this quest the noise and the animation surprised me so much I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.

Searching through my Screenshots for that pic left me with the desire to do an overview of my levelling experience this time around. It may just be enough to push me through these final levels.

Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.

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