I can only assume that it was for the arms debuffs (yay bonus physical damage) and to give the raid something to laugh at. With my desperately low health pool threatening to kill me at every turn, and fighting for my place on the damage meter with the tanks and the off spec healers with their make shift gear sets, who were desperately trying to figure out with buttons made the "bad numbers" instead of the "good numbers", I reckon I made for some great comic relief. Not to mention "Panic Survival Mode" being constantly triggered by my low health pool cause me to emit my trademark girly squeal on a vent channel filled with 25 raiders.
Now like I said I was struggling for my place on the meter with the tanks and previously I had been told by an ICC 10 man pug that I couldn't pull 5k dps with my gear score.
I told the gear score addicts "Skill > Gear." they laughed at me since obviously my magic number was a direct correlation to my skill level.
I then told them that a Monkey with a stick could pull 5k dps in ICC with raid buffs and the 15% buff.
Guess what. I was right.
Taking the place of the stick wielding monkey I was pulling between 5.5 - 6.5k dps on boss fights.
I was rewarded for my simian like efforts by becoming the proud owner of the Worlds Ugliest Helm.

Why don't I hide my helm you ask?
Entertainment value.
It stands out so much on a Warrior and very few people have seen it since all the rogues are too ashamed to be seen wearing their T10 helm which has the same skin. Since Wednesday I have been asked about it on no less than five occasions. When asked about it I usually reply with,
"Ugly as hell isn't it :)"
"My momma says I look perdy."
or when asked why I'm wearing leather
"Because I swing that way."
As you can see the entertainment value is almost limitless. I'm tempted to find a fancy looking dress to wear with it to complete the look.
P.S. You see that tabard? Yes, the grey one. That's right. I still don't have my fricken muffin tabard. I demand my muffin tabard, that or a lifetime supply of cookies. The choice is yours.
Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.
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