Monday, May 10, 2010

I Hate Gear Score.

As you know I hit 80 early yesterday and have been busy pugging my little dwarven butt off. This has lead me to a realisation.

This is that there are few things in this game that I just don't understand, and gear score is one of them. Well I do understand it, I just pretend not to and put my hands over my ears screaming "LA LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU." until the silly person stops talking to me. I don't know what my gear score is, I don't want to know what my gear score is. If I knew what it was it would make me like one of them.

I swear to you that if one more asshat starts spamming his gear score at me in the middle of a run while he's got no gems and less enchants I'm going to break something ... that or get another cookie. Cookies make everything better.

Several times I've had to get up in the middle of a pug and go and eat a cookie just to calm down. Things would get broken otherwise and I can't afford a new gaming mouse, these things cost 50 Euro a pop, and for some bizarre reason are not designed to be thrown across the room in a fit of rage. Don't the designers of these mice know their target audience are socially maladjusted gamers prone to fits of rage? My next mouse is going to be impact resistant and to be brought out only in the event of pugging.

Ok I'm getting way off the subject here. Time to get back on track.

It seems that every time someone mentions gear score to me they are one of the above mentioned gemless wonders. or gave gemmed and enchanted for some bizarre stat. Like Ret Paladins gemming spellpower and in one truly awe inspiring case a Warrior doing the same (yes I needed a cookie). Or seeing epic 30 stam gems on any dps. If you want the socket bonus that badly get a damned split gem.

The fact that it is normally this type of person telling me their gear score has led to anyone at all mentioning it to me to be targeted with my well deserved scorn. It has also lead to a varied list of responses to someone telling me what their magic number is. These are use at random depending on how mean, playful, sarcastic or in need of a cookie I'm feeling. I guess I should share these with you so that they can be used on more of the Gemless Wonder population than I can reach by myself. These are:

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: So THAT'S why you don't need any gems.

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: You have a gear score of XXXX and I have half a brain.
Me: <--- winner

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: Wow that's a LOT more than your dps.

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: Then why am I beating you on the damage meter?

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: Your penis must be HUGE!

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: Welcome to my ignore list. You've now one of the few, the proud, the retarded.
Me: /ignore asshat.

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: ... brb getting a cookie.

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: If it's not over 9000 I don't want to hear about it.
(I don't use this one often as a lot of people just don't seem to get it)

Asshat: My gear score is XXXX
Me: Wow that incredible.
Me: Please excuse me as I stand awestruck by your gear score at work.
[Proceed to spend the next three pulls standing behind the asshat randomly /golfclap ing]

Anyway I'm sorry for delaying my "Getting to level 80" post yet again but this just had to be vented otherwise I would have had to unleash it on guild chat.

Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.

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