As a warrior you have 0 healing ability's until something like level 75 where you get enraged regeneration and that only restores 30% of your heath. So when things go wrong you usually die and this is how many times things went wrong for me. Although One of these was from my nitro boosts malfunctioning and sending me vertical instead of horizontal and the parachute you usually get failing to deploy for some odd reason. Another was from me jumping off the top of Wormrest Temple and instead of using my parachute keybind I hit the Sword and shield / Defensive Stance button, resulting in me trying to fend off the ground with a shield instead of floating gently down.

As you can see a lot of my levelling time looked like this,

Now that we have to boring stuff out of the way. I can tell you about some of the happenings on my way to level 80. One of the more "Thank god for buggy game mechanics." moments happened when I tried to solo the Cyclonian Warrior quest. Fortunately for me one of the knock back's he did threw me up onto a ledge where he bugged in place long enough for me to call in the level 80 back up (thank you again Sweetzor).

After this excitement I decided to take it easy for a bit and show my orphan around the place. We visited strange and interesting places and even got Lady Proudmoores autograph. I wanted to keep it for myself but the little brat wouldn't hand over my pet until he got it.

After my (mis)adventures in the old world it was off to Outlands where I spent a lot of time being stalked by this guy.

Isn't Engineering wonderful :)
I breezed through the rest of Outlands doing hardly any of it at all before moving on to Northrend. Where I got many interesting quests.
Some of which made you die.

Or leave you body behind. Apparently it was just getting in the way.

You got to ware various different disguises, and let me tell you if I could have armour that made me look like this I'd have rolled a human female warrior.

The quests in Northrend are pretty cool. You get to see all kinds of things. Like a rhino god rampaging after you set him free.

Or a battle between titans.

Use funky items that can throw you from dragon to dragon simply because you want to beat up their riders and they don't have the common decency to be on the ground like normal mobs.

You also meet some interesting characters in your travels. I for example met and was escorted to safety by, Harrison Jones.

Go questing in Northrend without a flying mount and you notice one thing. Cliff's. The damned things are everywhere and always getting in the way. This however does provide it's own entertainment when your an engineer as you can simply take the short way down.

The other thing you will notice is that the people of Northrend will get you to ride just about anything imaginable. Like Dragons.

Bears with freaky glowing eyes.



They will even go so far as to have you surfing on a Crocodile.

Why do they do this?
My bet is they get some weird enjoyment out of sending adventurers off on whatever bizarre creature they happen to have on hand. They probably have a little get together later on and compete to see who sent you off on the weirdest thing.
The moment, however, that completed my levelling experience was being asked this question just before I dinged 80. Screenshot time stamped for your enjoyment.

I was just on my way back to hand in a few quests when Elix popped online with perfect timing. Thanks man you made my day. That's all that I can really remember of the sleep deprived blur that was levelling Dorfageddon. I could make some pretty interesting stuff up to fill more space but decided against it.
One thing I do remember though is looking around after I logged off after hitting level 80 and thinking "Holy shit! What the hell happened to my flat?" My room was a mess, My computer table looked like someone had been using it as a garbage dump and the dishes in the sink were piled up as if somebody had tried to recreate the Leaning Tower of Pisa using only dirty dishes.
I had hit 80 but at what cost?
Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.
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