Complete with heroism for extra size and ended with the live tea-bagging of a gnome. Don't ask, in truth your better off not knowing, but we did manage to gather quite a crowd to watch us.
Then there was the mammoth parade that started with Joe yelling "You know what I hate?" , "Mammoth Parade!", he then mounted on his mammoth and slow walked a bit. this was the result.

Yeah there's a lot of bored people out there.
This next one only needs 2 of you, a paper zeppelin, something to run around and about an hour.

One of you runs clockwise the other anticlockwise and when you pass each other you throw the zeppelin, soon you have a whole fleet of the little buggers chasing you. After this I was inundated with whispers asking me what the hell that was.
Anyway that's just a little taste if the madness that happens when you gather a few bored SoL'ers together.
Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.
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