Anyway I got online and as if to welcome me back in true blizzard fashion, at some point between doing my random for my daily frost emblems and completing my daily quests, all the instance servers for our battle group went down. This meant no LFG and no pug raids, so after this had finally sunk in to even the most oblivious of would be raid leaders trade chat was whittled down to what passes for wit and jest amongst it's denizens. This being whatever passes for [Dirge] spam at the moment. It was time to conclusively and irrevocably leave trade chat.
This left us with the dilemma as to what we would do now. I had planned on continuously pugging random heroics while mining then using the emblems on epic gems to make some gold.
This plan shot to hell I wandered aimlessly around Ironforge pondering what the hell I should do with my time now that I had finally made it back to WoW. Then as if in divine response to my pondering into Guild Chat pops "[Yoona] has earned the achievement [25 Fish].". Well done Yoona, I never got around to leveling fishing on this guy at all yet. I had, however, trained fishing but my skill remained at 1/75.
So off I strolled to the fishing trainer in Ironforge to buy myself a fishing pole and get started. Recently, I have no idea exactly when, they changed it so that you could level fishing from 1-450 without ever moving from the one spot.
This now being the case I moseyed across from the trainer to the conveniently placed pool of water in which I could fish and made a start on levelling my fishing. Only a few casts in I was startled to receive an achievement.

I had completely forgotten about this guy, who had driven many of my guildies to distraction trying to procure. Needless to say this caused a bit of a stir in Ventrillo and guild chat and I was sure that much hate mail would be coming my way. This was then Guaranteed but my second achievement.

The time stamps say it all folks. I had caught Old Ironjaw before completing the 25 fish achievement.
The lovely Bompi suggested over vent that I should go get all the other rare fish to make them even more jealous. This lead to a discussion as to what the other things I could fish up were and the Giant Sewer Rat was mentioned. It's location being conveniently placed in the Dalaran sewers I hearthed back boldly declaring that I would catch it before the [50 Fish] achievement.
I was offered rewards totalling up to 3,000 gold if I could achieve this .Yoona, although being one of the offerees, was determined to catch it before me., and so our contest began.
I failed miserably to win the offered gold but our banter on vent also sparked others into a fishing frenzy. Soon Guild Chat was flying with achievements of numbers of fish caught or new levels of fishing being trained. It even prompted Bloodthrust who had never even gotten fishing 1/75 on any character ever into the game. We had to explain to him the process of fishing, like having to equip the fishing rod, click on the skill icon, click on the fishing bobber when it moved and how this might be slightly harder than playing a Death Knight.
Very soon the number of guildies contesting over the Giant Sewer Rat began to grow.

Various member came and went as they became intrigued then bored by our contest. The only two constants were Yoona and myself. We sat there for hours only leaving our PC's once by mutual consent to a coffee run.
In the end it came down to four competitors for the rat. Yoona and myself of course, but also Bloodthrust had returned and while having absolutely no interest what so ever in fishing he has a competitive streak a mile wide. Where Bloodthrust is being competitive you can usually find Lau egging him on and this case was no exception.
To while away the time everyone on vent started comparing statistics, duscussing how fishing and other professions had changed. I told of how I used to spend hours at a time in the Burning Crusade fishing so that I could bribe our healers with Fish Sticks. The healing food of choice at the time. We tried and failed to discover the drop rate of the rat we were so desperately seeking. We fished on the water (thank you path of frost), off the water, seated, standing, disguised, transformed, and with every minion or pet that could be summoned.
Despite these distractions the boring monotony of fishing was getting to me and I complained loudly and fervently over vent that I wished one of us, and I didn't care who it was, would catch the damned thing so that I could stop fishing, but there was no way in hell that I was going to back out of the competition.
Shortly there after it finally happened.

Vent exploded, mostly with me shouting expletives and imprecations over vent. Apparently Yoona had done the same but only without the push-to-talk button pressed. I think that both our neighbours must have been wondering what could have caused such an outburst from people seated in front of a PC at 11 pm our time.
Our contest concluded we were left once again with the question as to what to do to occupy ourselves. With four of us in a party we tried to PuG a random in the hope that the instances had been fixed.
No such luck for whatever reason the final dps needed just timed out over and over and over again. Something like 5 times in a row before we gave up.
Thinking that the instances might be back up but the LFG system still screwed we decided to attempt to four man Trial of the Crusader with one tank and one healer. We didnt expect to make it but we thought we'd have a laugh anyway.
Again no such luck after being left staring at a 0% completed loading screen for about 10 minutes we get dropped back outside with the message that the instance could not be found. Damn.
How about some world bosses? lets go see if That guy in Hellfire Peninsula is there. Nope he's not.
Shall we try Magtheridon since we're here? Nah. There's only four of use we cant even click all the cube plus the instance wont work.
Lets go see if Doomwalkers about to kill. Nope no him either.
That dragon in Darkshire? again no no and no.
Well screw this buggy game it's bed time.
Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.
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