Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Raid Leading ... Sucks!

Sorry for my recent silence a I have been suffering from medical problems recently and most of my non-wow time has been spent knocked out by painkillers. These things are so strong that when I take them I can't leave the house for fear of passing out somewhere. The other reason is that the ICC buff is up to 25% making all our heroic mode progress seem incosequential to me.

That's enough of my excuses, back to the topic at hand.

The last 2 days I've been leading a 10 man run, mostly normal modes with a few easier heroic modes thrown in, and let me tell you it's like my own personalised hell.

First off for a 10 man you have to spend about 30 minutes each day just to get the team together. It's summer and people would rather be doing summery out door real life things, damn them, How dare they do real life stuff when I have a raid to get started. Well in the end I settled for anything I could get, offspecs, alts, offspecs of alts, whatever the hell you are just get in my raid and help me kill some stuff.

After this is over the real "fun" begins. Firstly people expect you to know what the hell your doing, ok that's fine I can handle doing my own job no problem ...



You want me to tell you what the hell you supposed to be doing as well?

You mean you don't know?

How many (BEEP)ing times have you done this fight? You should (BEEP)ing know it off by heart at this stage.

Healing assignments? Wont (BEEP)ing give 'em.

Your the (BEEP)ing healers you know your jobs and who is better at what, sort it out yourselves.

These are normal modes face roll them and collect your loot damn it! Everyone clear on that? Ok, good lets do this.

Ok this boss we are going to do on heroic, has everyone done it before and knows what they are doing?


You want a brief overview of the fight? Well its heroic mode so I guess that's ok.

{increase tolerance levels, and give overview}

Ok let's do this.


How the (BEEP) did you manage that?

Guys, seriously, that was just (BEEP)ing awful.

You will NOT fail at that again or I will mother (BEEP)ing rage at you with my (BEEP)ing socially maladjusted temper. Ok? Try it again.

Well that's basically how it went throughout the entire first night. We ended up only doing two heroic modes with attempts on two others and 9 manning a lot if it due to a DC with no replacement. We however did manage to clear everything up to Lich king in the one night.

Cue day two, with even more problems getting a group together as two of the people who said they would be there didn't show as well as having to find replacements for those who had said that they couldn't make it after day one.

After much begging and cajoling we get started.

Now this is Lich King who we don't kill very often so I had set my tolerance levels to maximum. This is not saying a lot though.

Not everyone has done this fight and even more have not done it in their current role. So I unbegrudgingly gave out role's positioning and an overview of all abilities. I also willingly gave myself the role of calling dps switch's and halts.

Ok. Everyone Ready?

Lets do this!



You need me to call out every single ability also?

You have the (BEEP)ing timers don't you?

Ah (BEEP) it!

Ok I'll do it, try again.


Come on guys that's a basic mechanic of this fight do I really need to tell you how to do it?

Well THIS is how you do it. Now get it right.


Ok you got that part right but, hugging each other during defile is NOT the right way to do things.

That's basically how the entire 2 hours of the second night went. Our best try was ruined by me getting a 3 second power cut. I (BEEP)ing raged.

The only advantages to the 2 night run was that:

One, I learnt the benefit of not naming and shaming a person that makes a mistake. This is because they KNOW who they are and what they did and raging at the whole raid makes EVERYONE more aware of that particular mistake and less likely to do it.

Two, I learnt that the one time you don't call out an ability is the one time that EVERYONE decides to screw it up.

Three, I learnt that being responsible for everyone increases your focus and game play by a huge amount.

Four, I learnt that I have absolutely no problem telling people that they sucked major ass on that last try, and that they had better not do it again.

Five, I have a whole new respect for our raid leaders who manage to organise and lead 25 man raids without killing anyone or having a mental breakdown.

Anyway that's enough from me for now.

Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.

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