This is because I had lost my original CD key and that when I created the account some 3 years ago I lied about my name so I couldn't use my ID to prove I was the one who created the account.
Why did I lie about my name you ask?
Call me paranoid if you will but I hate to give out personal information over the internet. Also when I created my account I didn't think my name would be that important for a game I thought I would be playing for a month or two at most.
So goodbye Stuntyone, my Dwarf warrior who was with me from the start and goodbye Yesnerfus, my holy light spamming Human Paladin. Oh, and goodbye my many mid level alts who were destined to never see the light of day as a level 80.
And hello Dorfageddon my new Dwarf Warrior Engineer. This guy is basically a carbon copy of Stuntyone as he was when he was leveling, the only difference being that his hair is black instead of red, oh, and that this time around I know what the hell I'm doing.
Why create another warrior?
The only reason I came back was because I missed my warrior so damned much, and I made him a Dwarf again because in my opinion there are two race/class/gender combinations that beat the hell out of all the rest form a coolness perspective. These are a Male Dwarf Warrior and a Female Orc Warrior. Yeah I know I like warriors a little too much, and don't ask me why these are cooler than the rest, they just are, end of story. Anywho since all my friends are alliance side this meant that I had to have a Male Dwarf Warrior ... it's fricken compulsory.

Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.
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