Why you ask?
Cuz it's fricken cool, that's why. You get a great big two handed weapon and smash some skulls. Please tell me how it can possibly get any cooler than that? In addition at level 60 you get to have baldestorm, fricken Bladestorm, I mean it's BLADESTORM, how can you possibly have a fulfilling life without it? It's a Whirling Dwarven Gyroscope Of Doom baby! Whenever I use Bladestorm I have to make sure that I don't have my push-to-talk button pressed so that the people in vent don't hear me giggle like a little school girl.
Anyway the combination of being an arms warrior and my new characters name (Dorfageddon) has had a bit of an effect on me. To prevent my brain from melting down quite so fast while levelling I play music, and most of my music is a combination of Metal, Rock and Drum 'n' Base, things with a high BPM. Combine this with arms warrior skull smashing and I tend to get excited (yes I truly am a simple person, and happy being so). Being excited causes me to start screaming things at the pc monitor, things like;
[Cue maniacal laughter]
.... Oi ... why are you giving me those funny looks? This kind of thing is normal ... isn't it?
Anywho time to tell you about my levelling "System". It hasn't changed a single bit from the first day I logged on all those years ago. First, you grab every quest you can lay your hands on, then you start killing things until one of the quest counters starts ticking. You continue this process until one of a few things happens.
1) You run out of quests to complete.
2) You run into mobs that are just too damn big and nasty for you to kill. This will often mean that you are now dead since checking whether a mob is an elite or 6 levels higher than you before you attack it is not part of my levelling process.
3) No matter how many things you kill none of the quests are getting done. Blizzard did design quests that involve other things than killing. Strange as that may seem.
4) You have been distracted by mines, herbs or skinable creatures for the last hour and have gotten yourself completely and utterly lost.
If number 1 has happened go hand in the quests, get some more and start the process over.
If number 2 or 3 has happened then it's time to corpse run back to your body and actually read the quests that aren't done. Yes, yes, I know, reading's for mages and those other silly mana users, but sometimes it's just plain necessary.
If number 4 has happened open your map and get yourself unlost pronto, or, in extreme cases of suddenly finding yourself surrounded on all sides by level ?? creatures (it happens more than I'd like to admit) hearthstone the hell out of there and start the process over. This time trying to (often unsuccessfully) pay less attention to whatever got you lost in the first place.
Believe it or not this process actually works. Quests get done and XP gets earned, often more than was intended since you've been randomly slaughtering your way across the zone. The only drawback to this style of levelling is the awful attrition it has on your health bar so always start out with a full stack of bandages and the highest level food you can lay your hands on. For obvious reasons it's guarenteed that out of all your professions your first aid will always be the highest.
Ok, now that you have a full grasp of my levelling strategy it's time to talk about my levelling professions.
If you have played this game for any length of time you'll have come to the realisation that in order to make your character fully self sufficient it's best to have two gathering professions then replace them with crafting professions at max level. Since this is the sensible thing to do I of course ignored it in favour of taking one of the greatest gold sinks ever invented. I am of course talking about engineering.
Why would I do such a thing?
I could tell you that it was for the nostalgia value since Stuntyone my original Dwarf Warrior levelled with that and kept it right up until I lost him. Or I could tell you that it was for the free guns and ammo or that it was for the funky trinkets or even the life saving ability to drop a Target Dummy and run when you've made a mistake about the number of mobs you just pulled. These would all be valid and proper reasons ... but they wouldn't be the real truth.
You want to know the real reason I took engineering?
The Bombs baby! Throwing bombs, firing rockets, setting loose Exploding Sheep, having the ability to blow things up and set fire to the things around you and often yourself in the process. Thats what I love about engineering. I even go so far as to take Goblin engineering when I get the option since it has the most explosive and (self)destructive items available to engineers. The suicidal Goblin Sapper Charge which blows everything up, the Goblin Dragon Gun which sets you on fire as often as it does your foes, the Goblin Rocket Boots which will often simply self destruct rather that speed you off into the distance. These to me are the essence of engineering, to put it simply I love things that go Boom.
To prove that I'm not completely insane I did take mining to go with engineering, since otherwise I would have spent all my time farming to buy the mats I needed to level it.
Well that's all for now, I'll be back later with whatever random ramblings manage to make their way from my mind to the keyboard.
Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.
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