Thursday, June 3, 2010

Points on Raiding.

My return to raiding has brought home again all those hard won points that I had learned. At least it's easier the second time around.

I have died in almost every imaginable way on every boss I have ever encountered. Doing crazy or stupid things or even stupidly crazy things is not only common for me but almost a calling card of my raiding carrier.

I'm probably the only dps that regularly gets buffed with beacon of light, and I'm pretty sure that half our healers have a special unit frame for me.

I have stood in, run through, been hit by, transferred wrongly just about every deadly ability ever invented on any boss.

If it has a cleave I've been cleaved.

If it has a tail swipe I've been sent flying by it.

If it has fire, slime, void zones, or big swirly graphics that scream get out of this spot, I've stood in that spot.

I've Intervened the tank instead of charging the boss.

I've airburst the tank.

I've body pulled while the raid is still positioning.

I've fat fingered Mocking Blow.

I've been in the wrong stance and taunted instead of rending.

I've attacked and pulled aggro before the tank has even sneezed at the boss. (once taking out half the raid healers in the process)

I've jumped across on the gunship battle after we had won.

I've charged Arthas before defile was cast gotten the debuff mid charge and dumped it right under the tank.

I've mistakenly alt tabbed, alt F4'd, kicked the power button, and in one bizarre accident demolished my entire pc table, in the middle of a boss fight.

What I'm trying to get at is that I have first hand knowledge of how to screw up on any and every encounter in the game.

What have I learned from all this, shall we say, "Testing of the game mechanics"? Well it has birthed what I refer to as "The Incompetent Check-list (tm)" or "How Not to be Raged At".

When you study a new boss fight:

1)(i) Know what your class/role should be doing in this fight.

1)(ii) Know what your class/role might even possibly be called upon to do in this fight.

2) Figure out where you should be in every single phase of the fight, an more importantly where you should really really not be.

3) Check, double check, triple check, then check again for any debuff that might possibly even slightly cause you to wipe the entire raid with your screw ups. Move to number 4, 5 or 6 as appropriate.

4)(i) Realise that there is no debuff that can possibly lead to your demise let alone the demise of others.

4)(ii) Get cocky and embarrass yourself by dieing stupidly but without causing wide spread havoc.

5)(i) Realise that there is a debuff that can kill you but not those around you.

5)(ii)Get so focused on the debuff that you actually get it right only to then get cleaved as a healer or something equally silly.

6)(i) Realise that there is a debuff that can kill not only you but the entire raid if you mess it up.

6)(ii) Be afraid, be very afraid.

6)(iii) Think at all times at any possible moment that you are going to be targeted with the debuff and know where, what, when, you are supposed to, move to, move from, no move at all. Get it right, then accidentally walk over a ledge in your relief.

7)(i) Actually encounter the fight.

7)(ii) Panic.

7)(iii) Run around screaming "THIS IS NOTHING LIKE THE VIDEO!"

7)(iv) Wipe.

7)(v) Analyse what actually happened and how it related to what you studied. Then re-implement "The Incompetent Check-List (tm)" skipping point 7 and it's sub categories unless you never got past subcategory 7)(ii).

8)(i) Wipe as many times as necessary.

8)(ii) Collect Loot.

8)(iii) Collect GP.

8)(iv) Realise that in direct defiance of all known mathematics you are now on negative prio.

8)(v) Cry as the guild tabard gets to collect your best in slot items before you do.

Welcome to the return of The Incompetent Warrior.

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